Uetliberg Barefoot Hiking Tours

Discover the Hidden Trails

18.06 / 25.06 / 02.07 / 09.07 / 16.07 / 23.07

18:30 – ca.20:30

Meet at 18:30 at the Benches above the Uetlibergstrasse 355, right at the Entrance to the Forest.


Uetliberg Barefoot Adventure Tours

Feel Zürich in your Soles on this unique barefoot hiking tour.

For Sure Footed Explorers and those with Courage and Curiosity

2 hour Barefoot mini-adventure hike on natural trails at Zürich’s spectacular Uetliberg Park

Experience the textures and sensations of the original grounds of the city in this trek through well preserved natural areas, where you will feel transported and revitalized while building strength and stamina in your feet.

Event Details

Date: 18.06 / 25.06 / 02.07 / 09.07 / 16.07 / 23.07
Time: 18:30 – ca.20:30 Uhr
Group Size: 8 People
Price: 25CHF
Place: Start Albisgüetli, Zürich
Organizer: PediPower
Language: English, Deutsch

Payment: Twint / Cash
Recommondations: Walking Stick, Long Pants

* In case of bad weather, the Tour will be rescheduled

Interested to join us?

Contact us by Email info@pedipower.ch