About the Founder

Growing up walking barefoot over the cliffs, tidepools and rugged shorelines of the Pacific Ocean in Southern California’s endless summer climate, Georgette could enjoy the benefits of strong and free feet all year round. This challenging and tactile rich unshod experience was also a technique imbedded in traditional Apache lifestyles

Shortly after moving to Switzerland, a Sledding accident in 2010 caused Georgette to endured three years of multiple surgeries which ultimately left her foot and body permanently altered and threatened her mobility and quality of life.

Doctors, Surgeons and Physical Therapists from Olympic Facilities agreed she would face a lifetime of pain management and orthotic aids.

Through activating her awareness, abilities, and knowledge of the feet, she was able to achieve a medically unimaginable recovery – without any residual pain or orthotic support.

The PediPower Program is based on these experiences and evidences from updated findings in Science, Sports, Rehabilitation, and Medical Studies, as well as imbedded traditions of the Apache knowledge.

Education & Experience

2024    Ramer en Rose Rowing Instructor
             Breast Cancer Recovery Program

2024    Born to Walk Certification
             James Earls, Instructor

2024    Launched PediPower Toega Group Fitness
             Zürich, Switzerland

2023    Anatomy Trains Master Class
             Live Dissection Fascia Foot to Pelvis

2023    Pedobarography Certification Course
             PediPower, Functional Foot Therapy

2023    Fascia Research Update Certification
             Dr Robert Schleip, Instructor

2023    Opened PediPower Foot Center Concept Shop
             Largest MultiBrand Barefoot Shoes, Zürich, Switzerland
             Including Foot Therapy, Education, Excursions

2022    Barefoot Park Consultant & Planning
             Park Seleger Moor, Zürich, Switzerland

2022    Opened PediPower Barefoot Shoe Shop
             Largest MultiBrand Retailer in Switzerland

2022    Anatomy Trains Bodyreading 101 Certification
             Tom Myers, Instructor

2020    Liga Volunteer, San Blas Center, Sinaloa, Mexico
             Podiatry Assistant to Dr. James Wilk

2020    Gait Happens Certification
             Dr. Courtney Conley, Instructor

2020    EBFA Barefoot Training Specialist Certification
             Dr. Emily Splichal, Instructor

2019     Opened PediPower Foot Assessment Studio
             Zürich, Switzerland

2019     Pedobarography Certification
             Lee Saxby & Sebastian Bär, Instructors

2019     Liga Volunteer, San Blas Center, Sinaloa, Mexico
             Podiatric Surgery Assistant, Podiatry Assistant to
             Dr. Richard Lepird, Lepird Procedure for Osseous Surgery

2019     Self-Published PediPower Education WorkBook
             Created & Written by Georgette & Cem Dutoit

2020    Opened PediPower Foot Therapy &
             BarefootShoe ShowRoom
             Zürich, Switzerland

2020    Launched Uetliberg Barefoot Hiking Tours
             Zürich, Switzerland


2018     Fascial Movement Symposium Certification
             Paul Edmonson, Life Changer Academy,        
             Dr Robert Schleip, Dr Emily Splichal, Instructors

2018     MovNat Certification
             Bernd Reicheneder, Instructor

2018    Launched “Barefooting the Alps”
             Education & Experience Weekend Workshop
             Prattegau, Switzerland

2018    Barefoot Therapist Certification
             Barefoot Academy

2018    Reflexology Certification
             Massage-Fachschule Zürich

2018    Les Mills CXWorx Certification
             SAFS Education Center

2018    ASVZ Rowing Instructor
             ASVZ, Akademischer Sportverband Zürich

2017    Swiss Rowing Instructor Certification
             Ueli Bodenmann, Instructor

2017    WillPower Method Certification
             Stacey Lei Krauss, Instructor

2017    SAFS Group Fitness Certification
            SAFS Education Center


Staff at PediPower are passionate about Foot Consulting and are educated by internationally recognized Doctors, Physical Therapists, Foot Therapists, and Scientific Researchers who are currently updating and changing the medical approaches to Foot Care and Footwear

Collective education to date includes:

EBFA Barefoot Training Specialist
Pedobarography for Restorative Functional Foot Therapy
Anatomy Trains
PediPower Foot Function Basics
Functional Foot Massage Therapy
Toega Group Fitness Trainer